KANG Changwon's Biochemistry Lab at KAIST

Recent Publications by Prof. KANG Changwon

송은호, 한선 ... 강창원, 홍성철 "Single-mode termination of phage transcriptions, disclosing bacterial adaptation for facilitated reinitiations" Nucleic Acids Res. [2024.7.16.]

송은호 ... 홍성철, 강창원 "Compatibility of termination mechanisms in bacterial transcription ..." Biochem. Soc. Trans. 52, 887 [2024.3.27.] Review article in English

임건형 ... 강창원, 홍성철 "Translocating RNA polymerase generates R-loops at DNA double-strand breaks without additional factors" Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 9838 [2023.8.28.]

송은호 ... 강진영, 강창원, 홍성철 "Transcriptional pause extension  benefits the stand-by rather than catch-up Rho-dependent ..." Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 2778 [2023.2.10.

송은호 ... 강진영, 강창원, 홍성철 "Rho-dependent transcription termination  proceeds via three routes" Nat. Commun. 13, 1663 [2022.3.29.]

강우영 ... 강창원, 홍성철 "Hopping and flipping of RNA polymerase on DNA during recycling for reinitiation after intrinsic termination ..." Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 2398 [2021.2.27.]

강창원 "유전자 전사 종결 후 재생 및 재개시 Transcription recycling and reinitiation after termination" KSMCB Webzine [2020.6.9.] Review article in Korean

강우영, 하국선 ... 홍성철, 강창원 "Transcription reinitiation by recycling RNA polymerase that diffuses on DNA after releasing terminated ..." Nat. Commun. 11, 450 [2020.1.23.]

김태형, 배상철, 강창원 "Synergistic activation of NF-κB by TNFAIP3 (A20) reduction and UBE2L3 (UBCH7) augment ..." Arth. Res. Therapy 22, 93 [2020.4.25.

이선우 ... 강창원 "Synergistic triad epistasis of epigenetic H3K27me modifier genes EZH2, KDM6A and KDM6B in gastric cancer ..." Gastric Cancer 22, 640  [2019.5.1.]

이예진 ... 송지준, 이진환, 강창원 "ANKRD9 is associated with tumor suppression as a substrate receptor subunit of ubiquitin ligase" BBA - Mol. Basis Dis. 1864, 3145 [2018.10.1.]